AZELIA - Azelia Bricco Fiasco Barolo - 2017


Azelia Bricco Fiasco Barolo 2017

- 94 points -

A product of 85-plus-year-old vines in Castiglione Falletto, the Azelia 2017 Barolo Bricco Fiasco is subdued and delicate, with linear fruit of wild plum and blackberry, plus hints of blue flower and pressed violet. The age of the vines and the depth of the root system in the loose soils of this site have helped to maintain balance and freshness during the hottest moments of this vintage. Indeed, this wine is more immediately silky in texture compared to Azelia's wines from Serralunga d'Alba (like the Barolo Margheria also reviewed in this report). This release of 5,600 bottles presents a nice opportunity to try your hand at a delicate rabbit ravioli for a very special occasion a few years from now.

Monica Larner,

About Wine Advocate

Robert Parker founded his bi-monthly newsletter, The Wine Advocate, in 1978. Since then he has come to be called "the most influential wine writer in the world today." In 2001 he launched His team of Wine Advocates now comprehensively covers the world of fine wines in a way that no one person can any longer do. Parker continues to review the great wines of Bordeaux and Northern California and acts as a critic-at-large conducting vertical tastings and horizontal tastings of older vintages of California and elsewhere.