VIETTI - Langhe Nebbiolo Perbacco - 2019


Langhe Nebbiolo Perbacco 2019

- 91 points -

The 2019 Langhe Nebbiolo Perbacco shows a rusty or earthy side that feels more pronounced in this vintage. This wine represents an assembly of all the wine that is left over after the final blend of the Barolo Castiglione is confirmed (at year three). This wine sees two years in large oak casks, but this 40,000-bottle release hits the market more than one year earlier than the Barolo. With a silky, lean texture, Perbacco is a good introduction to Nebbiolo.

About Wine Advocate

Robert Parker founded his bi-monthly newsletter, The Wine Advocate, in 1978. Since then he has come to be called "the most influential wine writer in the world today." In 2001 he launched His team of Wine Advocates now comprehensively covers the world of fine wines in a way that no one person can any longer do. Parker continues to review the great wines of Bordeaux and Northern California and acts as a critic-at-large conducting vertical tastings and horizontal tastings of older vintages of California and elsewhere.