LA PASSION DES TERROIRS - La Chapelle de Haut-Bages Libéral Pauillac - 2016


La Chapelle de Haut-Bages Libéral Pauillac 2016

- 92 points -

What a lovely run of Pauillacs in this vintage; hefty, deep, not subtle at this early stage, with chewy tannins, and long lives ahead. Not charming wines, but powerful. At Haut-Bages Libéral they're undergoing conversion to organic and biodynamic. They harvested right through until 19 October in 2016, and here the rich damson fruit and tannins are enrobed by oak, with some heat on the finish. Matured in 40% new oak. Eric Boissenot consults.

Jane Anson,